23rd PM | Before the Big BangGenesisGenesis 1v1Neil Powell | |
30th PM | Intelligent Design?GenesisGenesis 2v2-23Neil Powell |
7th PM | Dawkins DilemmaGenesisGenesis 1v24-25Neil Powell | |
14th PM | Who Are We?GenesisGenesis 1v26-27John Stevens | |
21st PM | Why Are We Here?GenesisGenesis 1v28-31John Stevens | |
28th PM | Where Are We Going?GenesisGenesis 2v1-3John Stevens |
4th PM | What a Wonderful WorldGenesisGenesis 2v4-17Neil Powell | |
11th PM | Made for Each Other1 PeterGenesis 2v18-25Neil Powell | |
18th PM | Safe Sex? Creation and SexualityGenesisGenesis 2v18-25Neil Powell | |
25th PM | Paradise LostGenesisGenesis 3v1-7Hugh Thomson |
2nd PM | Why is the World the Way it is?GenesisGenesis 3v8-19Hugh Thomson | |
9th PM | Paradise Restored?GenesisGenesis 3v20-24Hugh Thomson |
19th PM | Genesis 37v1-26Life of JosephNeil Powell | |
26th PM | Genesis 39v1-21Life of JosephNeil Powell |
3rd PM | Genesis 39v21-40v23Life of JosephHugh Thomson | |
10th PM | Genesis 41v1-57Life of JosephHugh Thomson | |
24th PM | Genesis 42v1-38Life of JosephJohn Stevens | |
31st PM | Genesis 43v1-45v28Life of JosephJohn Taylor |
7th PM | Genesis 44v1-47v31Life of JosephJohn Stevens | |
14th PM | Genesis 48v1-49v28Life of JosephHugh Thomson | |
21st PM | Genesis 49v29-50v26Life of JosephHugh Thomson |
26th PM | Believing the unbelievableAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 11v27 - 12v20Hugh Thomson |
3rd PM | Choices have consequencesAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 13 & 14Hugh Thomson | |
17th PM | Our covenant GodAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 15Neil Powell | |
24th PM | Belonging to the covenantAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 16 & 17Hugh Thomson | |
31st PM | The justice of GodAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 18Hugh Thomson |
7th PM | Judgement and MercyAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 19Hugh Thomson | |
14th PM | Will God keep his promises?Abraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 20Hugh Thomson | |
21st PM | God does keep his promisesAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 21Hugh Thomson |
5th PM | Unconditional obedienceAbraham - The Father of FaithGenesis 22Hugh Thomson |
20th PM | In the beginningGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 1v1Neil Powell | |
27th PM | Life on planet EarthGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 1v2-25Neil Powell |
4th PM | What kind of God would make a world like this?Genesis: In the beginningGenesis 1v2-25Neil Powell | |
11th PM | On Being HumanGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 1v26-30Neil Powell | |
18th PM | What on earth are we doing here?Genesis: In the beginningGenesis 1v26-30Neil Powell | |
25th PM | I've started so I'll finishGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 1v31-2v3Neil Powell |
1st PM | True freedomGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 2v4-17Neil Powell | |
8th PM | Made for each otherGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 2v18-25Neil Powell | |
15th PM | Not the way it's supposed to be - what went wrong?Genesis: In the beginningGenesis 3v1-6Neil Powell | |
22nd PM | At a loss to explain ourselvesGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 3v7-13Neil Powell | |
29th PM | It's not supposed to end this wayGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 3v14-24Neil Powell |
6th PM | Genesis: pulling it all togetherGenesis: In the beginningGenesis 1v1-2, Genesis 1v27-28, Genesis 3v1-7Jonathan Gregory |
15th PM | False FaithWeekend Away 2017Genesis 3:1-7Graham Beynon |
12th PM | As we serve the world: God's call of Abraham, an example for us allServe The World SundayGenesis 11:27-12:9Joseph Steinberg |