The Complete Christian
21st PM | Colossians : IntroductionThe Complete ChristianColossiansJonathan Gregory | |
28th PM | Are you missing out on something?The Complete ChristianColossians 1v1-14Jonathan Gregory |
5th PM | Is Jesus enough for you?The Complete ChristianColossians1v15-20Jonathan Gregory | |
12th PM | What would you swap for Jesus?The Complete ChristianColossians 1v21-23Jonathan Gregory | |
19th PM | Mission ImpossibleThe Complete ChristianColossians 1v24-29Jonathan Gregory | |
26th PM | Are you in danger of being deceived?The Complete ChristianColossians 2v1-5Jonathan Gregory |
2nd PM | Is Jesus enough?The Complete ChristianColossians 2v6 - 15Hugh Thomson | |
9th PM | What are the Christian's rules?The Complete ChristianColossians 2v16 - 23Hugh Thomson | |
16th PM | This is your life!The Complete ChristianColossians 3v1 - 11Hugh Thomson | |
23rd PM | Is it all about me?The Complete ChristianColossians 3v12 - 17Hugh Thomson | |
30th PM | How should I relate to others?The Complete ChristianColossians 3v18 - 4v1Hugh Thomson |
7th PM | How should I speak?The Complete ChristianColossians 4v2 - 18Hugh Thomson |