What kind of King?
10th AM | The King of GloryWhat kind of King?Mark 9v1 - 13Hugh Thomson | |
17th AM | The unique KingWhat kind of King?Mark 9v14 - 37Hugh Thomson | |
24th AM | The King and His subjectsWhat kind of King?Mark 9v38 - 50Hugh Thomson |
1st AM | The King and relationshipsWhat kind of King?Mark 10v1 - 16Hugh Thomson | |
15th AM | The King who demands first placeWhat kind of King?Mark 10v17 - 31Hugh Thomson | |
22nd AM | The Servant KingWhat kind of King?Mark 10v32 - 52Hugh Thomson | |
29th AM | The Messiah KingWhat kind of King?Mark 11v1 - 11Hugh Thomson |
12th AM | The King who hates religionWhat kind of King?Mark 11v12-33Jonathan Gregory | |
19th AM | The King they want to get rid ofWhat kind of King?Mark 12v1 - 12Jonathan Gregory | |
26th AM | The King they try to trapWhat kind of King?Mark 12v13 - 27Jonathan Gregory |
3rd AM | The wisdom of the KingWhat kind of King?Mark 12v28 - 44Jonathan Gregory |